The media industry is changing at an astounding pace. Only a few years ago, linear content was the only option but now we have a barrage of content services, most of which can be viewed whenever we choose, and on any number of devices.

This has been driven by an increasing consumer appetite for more choice and personalisation and by a vast amount of innovation in terms of video delivery and experience. Whilst the customer experience has been improving in nearly every way, the broadcast chain desperately needs the same drive for innovation.

OBE industry challenges

Whilst it is true there has been a great deal of excitement, discussion, and innovation when it comes to video delivery, the same is not so true when we look at what happens before delivery. Most of the talk about Internet Protocol (IP), for example, relates to the delivery end, with very little thought to how IP can greatly improve the workflow for content providers ahead of that stage. Indeed, most contribution and production continues to be performed in a traditional fashion, with existing workflows based, for example, around satellite and SDI.

OBE products interface conversion

Using IP for contribution is much more cost-efficient than traditional means and also much more flexible, making it easy to add functionality and/or services at the drop of a hat, and remove them again when not needed. The simple fact here is that the more efficient the process before delivery, the easier it will be for broadcasters to deliver more and better content to the end user.

Our solutions, running as apps on standard off-the-shelf IT hardware deliver that efficiency, whilst also enabling one piece of hardware to handle multiple broadcast functions. Native encoding from Uncompressed IP formats such as 2022-6 and 2110 is integrated across all of our encoders and our C-200 decoder is capable of natively decoding to Uncompressed IP. This enables you to fully maximise the space and cost efficiencies of Uncompressed IP.

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